Monday, August 17, 2009
We almost sank a pontoon boat!
So. Grandpa, grandma, dad, dads wife, aunt, uncle, aunt, uncle, four cousins and diem and I. All on a pontoon. With five adults in the front.
Oh did I mention the high winds and the white capping waves!?
Yeah. We almost sank a boat on big air bubbles. Okay I might be exaggerating just a little. Just a LITTLE.
Friday, August 14, 2009
We came into rochester about an hour ago. Mama and whitney met us at the airport, even though they weren't picking us up.
That's one way to feel especially loved. When people come to see you, even when they don't have to.
I gave whitney lioner, she was glad, of course. But we're holding onto the book for later.
Been in maybe an hour, hung out with grandpa arlo and already we've seen so many different things. Buildings gone down, buildings gone up, new signs. Still, it feels like a home. Just one that someone repainted while I was out. Its like a citywide version of while you were out. Hah!
It still makes me miss people. And times. Makes me wish the gray house would burn down. I still get the shivers crossing 14th street and my stomach clenches up tightly.
I wanna take my shoes off and walk in the grass. I wanna walk around the block barefoot in my pajamas. I wanna buy a soda on the corner and sit
on the wall over the waterfall and let the mist kick up at me.
I wanna walk down to SA at 4am with lexington and talk about the universe and why corn in nebraska is purple. I wanna walk around at a /free/ beach on a whim in my pants.
I wanna lay on the sandbar and fish in the middle of town...
I wanna see him smile, half cocked and tell me 'everythings gonna be okay'.
...I wanna go back to nevada quite suddenly.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I'm pretty sure that carrot top just walked past diem and I as we were leaving the luxor. Who else would walk around all built and a gaint red jew fro?
Diem just wrote a nasty note to some asshole who parked in a walkway. What possesses people to be so damn stupid and inconsiderate to their fellow human beings? Ugh.
I love that he gets so impassioned over stuff like that.
"Learn how to park moron! This is a walkway, not a parking spot."
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
No, not my birthday, but rather my sister's boyfriend's birthday. And not even so much his birthday as much as the trials of making his cake. This is a story of love. A story of cake batter, betrayal, multi-colored grief, frosting painted bodies and overall late-night frivolity.

It was some time later and after carefully making the cakes with only minimal batter fights, sleep deprived rude gestures and 'yo mama' jokes (which added a hint of humor since we have the same 'mama', har har) Whitney and I ended up with something that almost resembled a cake, settling the wonderful teal layer on top of the pink with minimal tearing.

Just look at her excitement! And all those horrible frosting colors I mixed up! You know what's happening next.

Something that looks a little bit like an expressionists worst nightmare. But oh no, we weren't done yet. Like Billy Mays (rest his soul), we were going to throw in some bonus work. Booyah.

I realize, it's hard to read, but it says 'Bad Ass'. Truly Poignant, I feel. Not to mention it was Jake's catch phrase. Everything was 'bad ass'.
Over time at work? That's Bad Ass.
Found a Prize in a cereal box? That's Bad Ass.
Your dog took a poo and it looked like Abraham Lincoln? That's Bad Ass.
BUT WAIT! That's not all!

Plastic palm tree.
That's been sitting in our cupboard for at least ten years.
In Minnesota.
And take special note of the frosting smiley face that she drew on my table.
I know, it's a beautiful thing, isn't it? Of course, after the fact, we realized that we didn't have any birthday candles. So Diem rolled up bits of paper and lit them on fire.

But hey, the cake was good.