Friday, July 30, 2010

What you learn from drunken theater chatter:
*Sean connery is low brow
*He was also a mr universe competitor
*he is also M.R., which stands for mentally retarded.
*did you see the new shrek?
*harry potter is for queers
*there are 5 harry potter films and they all suck
*did you see the new shrek?
*ashton kutcher must've blown someone to get his biochem major
*miley cyrus thinks her mom is hot, and she's insecure about it
*did you see the new shrek?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Andie: we're just seeing the sorcerers apprentice because of diems man crush on nick cage.
Diem: yeah, but who /doesnt?/ when I heard him say 'I could eat a peach for hours' I was /done/.

Diem: I put the STD in 'stud', all I need is 'u'.
Abel: ...awesome. And disturbing.
