Sunday, October 31, 2010

Upon seeing a car with an 'actual size' bumper sticker.

Diem: I'm going to get that tattoed.
Abel: .. ... ...*waits for it*
Diem: across my chest.
Abel: *LET DOWN!!!*
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Abel: my chai is spicy today.
Diem: look happy about it...
Abel: I don't know where people get this idea that I hate spice. No! I hate things that taste like shit.
Diem: see, I think I associate it because most ethnic food has spice in it, but you hate ethnic food, so you must hate spice.
Abel: no! That is erroneous! I like spice, I just hate things that taste like shit, like most ethnic food.
Diem: ...
Abel: in the venn diagram of Spicy and Tastes Like Shit, ethnic food is in the intersect.
Diem: ...
Abel: ... ... I'm talking in the Abel-verse.
Diem: okay. I was going to say...there is good ethnic food.
Abel: yeah. Like Taco Bell!
Diem: ... ... *hangs head*
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

While in bum-fuck Montana, Diem is trying to tether his phone to the laptop.

Diem *tries to jam the usb into his phone* uh ha ha ha, it doesn't go in that way, huh huh huh...
Abel *looks over. Smirk*
Diem: oh its fine. Just keep jamming it in; it'll stretch.
Abel !!!!
Diem *charming smile* its okay baby. It'll fit.
Abel: Typical guy...
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Talking about Gather through Montana.

Diem: Yeah I figure I'll give you Sheila during gather, if you need to go anywhere or pick anyone up.
Abel *quirk*
Diem: ?? You know. Because she's smaller.
Abel: that's awfull generous since, you know, I don't drive Persephone anyway, and always use Sheila, anyway.
Diem *embarrassed grin* yeah okay well, you know...
Abel: you always use Persephone for work anywa-- *gasp!!!*
Diem: ???
Abel: you're /unemployed/ for /Gather/!!!
Diem: ... Fuck.
Abel: you get to spend /all/ your time with us!
Diem: ...Damnit.
Abel: you did that /just/ for /us/ didn't you?
Diem: ...Shit.
Abel: awwwwwwww!!! Diem LOVES US!!! I must immediately tell /everyone/!
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Coming up on Devil's Tower in Wyoming, we had been awake since six am, with about five hours of sleep on our friend's floor. Needless to say, with a looming cold, Abel was sleeping when Diem woke her up at one of the scenic viewpoints overlooking the tower.

Diem: Hey, wake up for a second.
Abel *bleerily opens her eyes up, without her glasses on* ... ... ...there's a penis on the horizon. Let's take a look at this thing... ... *reaches for glasses*
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