Saturday, August 2, 2014
While playing a video game:
Diem: I..just...keep crashing into this...fucking tree...
GS: The fucking tree. Not an apple or an orange tree. What comes off of the fucking tree?
Sandnor: A lot of fucks. Oh fuck! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!
GS: So that's where fucks are given.
Abel: So it's like the Giving Tree?
GS: It's the give a fuck tree. It's a hybrid.
Abel: That means it's energy efficient, yes?
Sandnor:'s all organic.
Tags: 2K14, abel, Abelverse, GS, one liners, ridiculous, sandnor, yes this is my life
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Diem was talking about one of my coworkers as he drove away, because he was holding his wrist in a very feminine manner.
Diem: "What, does he have a broken wrist or something? I can't even get my wrist to tilt at that angle!"
Abel: "He's a little teapot...I'm a little teapot, put it in my butt."
Diem: "I'm a little teapot, I like tea bags...put your balls in my mouth. No more metaphors, just do it. Awl-lauwl-lauwl-lauwl..."
Abel: "Yes. That is exactly how that goes."