Saturday, October 17, 2009
Relocating a small Samicle from BigBlueBall over here.
Alright, so looking practically at both of them, the iphone is pretty 'pimptastic', if I may use that phrase. It's fancy, it makes you feel pretty cutting edge, it's all 'jestonesque' because you just tap the screen to move stuff.
That being said, these are some of the gripes that my friends have about their iphones. Since...they /all/ have them.
*Pixeldeath sucks.
*You can't receive picture messages. Until next month when they can download it but it took em long enough!
*Can't run multiple applications at once, so if you switch, it cuts the previously running application off. DONE!
*When you're talking on the phone, the keyboard doesn't lock, so when you're talking to someone, the heat from your cheek sometimes hits buttons, or the mute or something like that.
*There is no zoom on the camera, and the lens is made to get really close stuff, so you gotta hold it away three feet.
*If you try to hand your phone over to someone to text, the phone isn't queued to their motions so you use 'delete' a lot.
*It takes some getting used to to text without feeling buttons so get ready for some awkwardness at first.
*It's expensive (So for my accident prone friends who, say, drop it in the toilet...)
*Promised updates that never come (LIKE PICTURE TEXTING!)
Now. Given that you don't care about the fact that you can't receive pictures phone-to-phone without another download, you can deal with apple being jackasses and not releasing things on time, you really, really, really want that cool game where you slide a beer down the bar and have to balance it so it doesn't spill, and you have the money to burn, hey, I wont judge.
Keep in mind that I have NO knowledge about the technical aspects. I spent 15 minutes listening to people talking about syncing their iphones and tethering them and I'm sorry Jeff, Doris, Det...I'm sorry but I really had /NO/ idea what that is. But it sounded really /cool/.
And really for the average Joe, that's what it is. The iphone sounds /really cool/.
As far as the blackberry goes, now, I have a blackberry. Given it's a black market blackberry, that means that a lot of the features aren't available to me, for me. BUT! That doesn't happen to everyone. Like..if you get a legitimate blackberry.
Some things do suck. Again, more picture texting issues. Personally, I don't get them. My reliable tech support team (Read: my boyfriend's sister) tells me that my blackberry just doesn't do them. Tough luck, me. But I hear that the pearl does.
Also, you don't get the groovy little applications where you can make your phone sound like a light saber.
Now, for me, simplicity is just...awesome. My blackberry can't even go online (Yes, that's how ghetto it is), but my ONLY requirement for phones is that I get enough minutes to do a few calls a month for emergencies, I can text and it has a full qwerty. Anything else, I don't care about. (Though I will admit, checking traffic would be nice...)
Plus, it's cheaper so if you drop it, crack it, throw it at your pet, drop it in the toilet or (as I've been dreaming more and more about) drop it in the sewer (...whatever that means, I need to see my shrink) it's not AS painful to replace.
Your requirements...internet and qwerty.
They both have both.
Now, you do have the cool zoom in/zoom out of the screen feature with iphone ad scrolling by rubbing it up and down and all around.
Personally, that doesn't seem like it's quite worth the difference, but hey! Depends on how often you use the internet on your TELEPHONE. (...okay that might just make me twitch a little. Pet peeve. Calming down.)
You might notice that my opinion is skewed.
Well of course it is. The iphone scares me and I think that slick screen thing (while very star trek and makes me feel a little bit like spock) is just intimidating and it scares me because I don't want to scratch it, dent it, crack it, knick it, drop it, look at it wrong and...for some reason my itty bitty fingers always hit the wrong thing. NO! I said I wanted 'fried DUCK for dinner'! Not 'fried SUCK' or 'fried --' well you get my point.
My suggestion? Go to an AT&T and play with the phones, try them out, put them to the test, see which one YOU find easier to work with and understand. And don't let them hassle you with a bunch of jargon. Seriously, when it comes to being 'user friendly', every 'user' is different. So take your time and try them out.
Yes, I realize how old this thread is. But when has 'sense' ever gotten in the way of me putting in my two cents, guys? Really?
Cotard's Syndrome.
I know that most of the time we're wishing we /don't/ get some horrible, socially crippling disease, but as far as horrible, socially crippling diseases go, I think this one is fun.
I know that Mr. Pocket knows what Cotard's is, or he should, since I told him to read the book that I found it in. Let me drop a clue to the rest of the people around here who may not know what it is.
The Cotard delusion or Cotard's syndrome, also known as nihilistic or negation delusion, is a rare neuropsychiatric disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that they are dead, do not exist, are putrefying, or have lost their blood or internal organs. Rarely, it can include delusions of immortality. |
Or, in more specific cases, walking about and thinking that somehow, you just...lack blood. How does that happen?? You just wake up one day and say to yourself "Today feels different. I feel groggy and stiff. My blood must have all dried up." Or is it something that lurks about the peripheral of your mind for a long while that, hey, I'm starting to slow down. I'm getting older. I'm drying up. I feel dusty. Then one day WHAM! Oh no, my blood's been drying up for years now, it's fine.
What about people who believe they're missing organs? How does ones mind justify such a loss? It'd be /amazing/ to hear those explanations and hear the backflips that a person's mind does in order to justify a belief.
"Well, I don't have lungs."
"What? How are you breathing?"
"I'm not breathing. It's just a left-over reflex from when I had lungs as a child. I continue to do so because I've been trained to let my diaphragm flex and chest cavity expand. Plus, I need air to talk. Oh hum."
"So, you breathe, but you don't have lungs..."
"What happened to them?"
"They disintegrated the winter of 2002. I was outside ni the dead of winter, I caught frostbite in my lungs, and they disintegrated."
That would be amazing. Walking around, thinking you're some form of walking dead. Either that you're in some shelf between life and death, or you're in heaven/hell/purgatory/limbo/elysium/whatever.
Now I know that Stuart Davis has that song "Practice Dying" but it's just not quite the same thing. They don't have a /fear/ of anything. They don't fear dying or anything like that. They believe they're already dead. Wholeheartedly. It's a kind of bizarre serenity to it all. Here's one case that's shown in Wiki. (And we know that Sami loves her some Wiki):
Young and Leafhead describe a modern-day case of Cotard delusion in a patient who suffered brain injury after a motorcycle accident:[3][The patient's] symptoms occurred in the context of more general feelings of unreality and being dead. In January, 1990, after his discharge from hospital in Edinburgh, his mother took him to South Africa. He was convinced that he had been taken to hell (which was confirmed by the heat), and that he had died of septicaemia (which had been a risk early in his recovery), or perhaps from AIDS (he had read a story in The Scotsman about someone with AIDS who died from septicaemia), or from an overdose of a yellow fever injection. He thought he had "borrowed my mother's spirit to show me round hell", and that he was asleep in Scotland. |
I also think that Williams Syndrome would be kind of neat to have, but that's probably for another short winded rant.
For all of you who are interested, I first heard about Cotard's Syndrome in Chuck Klosterman's book Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story. Which is a highly recommended read on my list.
What kind of disease/syndromes/madnesses do you think would be kind of neat to have. If, you know, temporarily?
Tags: 2k9, abel, cotards syndrome, random
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I'm surprised that you've never been told before that your lovely and you're perfect and that somebody loves you.
Something corporate - if u c jordan.
I remember you said you went to a concert in some shitty ass building. And how he lit his piano on fire and climbed on top of it and started screaming 'fuck you jorsan' as it burned under him.
That struck me as so powerful. I was envious. And how passionate you got. How I loved watching you get like that.
Something corporate - Konstantine
Do I need to begin? This is one more than one of your cds you made. Boys about girls. SoCo. We bothe loved this piece. So beautiful and heart wrenching. I'm gonna cry. 11 minutes of heart wrench gut twitching joy. I remember sitting in your room or sitting in my cold ass livingroom with you and we bothe groaned, then laughed. We didn't change it. But you came and sat next to me.
I love you.
Something corporate - punk rock princess.
Reminds me of nights drinking in garages and dancing, holding onto eachother loosely, then coming together, singing at the top of our lungs
Sr 71 - politically correct
Smelly ass neons with dead snakes rotting in them. Debates over what the best part is. Car rock.
Kill a kitten - stephen lynch.
Reminds me of sitting in the S.S. Skylark pirate ship. Rocking out and curled up with ya, laughing and singing along. And freaking out about the walken impression.
*whispers* kill a kitten. Mark my words cause from where I'm sittin. You can't go wrong if you kill a kitten.
Sing me something soft, sad and delicate. or loud and out of key. Sing me anything.
Sing for me, peacock.
I would kill for this. Just a little bit. Just a little bit.
Straylight run. Exestentialism on prom night.
Next song: the christopher walken bit for stephen lynch.
Walken really is the fucking man.
Right now, I'm at di and julie's house and I'm sitting on a balcony. In perfect weather. With dr crown in hand. Music on diems phone. You'd love this. I miss ... so many things. Why aren't you here drinking and talking about how over rated carlos santana is or how dinosaurs had the right idea with the whole carnivore thing or philosophies in the last kurt vonnegut book you read?
Fuck, ad.
And this couldn't be a worse and better songlist. These random songs on diems phone.
Stroke 9 - little black backpack
''. ''. - vacuum bag
''. ''. - kick some ass
Straylight run - exestentialism on prom night.
I remember how glycerine was the first alternative song you heard. And how that made you feel infinite and not so alone. Like you found home.
I love you, Peacock.
I just don't understand. You know how I hate that.
Sing like you think no ones listening. You would kill for this, just a little bit.
Monday, August 17, 2009
We almost sank a pontoon boat!
So. Grandpa, grandma, dad, dads wife, aunt, uncle, aunt, uncle, four cousins and diem and I. All on a pontoon. With five adults in the front.
Oh did I mention the high winds and the white capping waves!?
Yeah. We almost sank a boat on big air bubbles. Okay I might be exaggerating just a little. Just a LITTLE.
Friday, August 14, 2009
We came into rochester about an hour ago. Mama and whitney met us at the airport, even though they weren't picking us up.
That's one way to feel especially loved. When people come to see you, even when they don't have to.
I gave whitney lioner, she was glad, of course. But we're holding onto the book for later.
Been in maybe an hour, hung out with grandpa arlo and already we've seen so many different things. Buildings gone down, buildings gone up, new signs. Still, it feels like a home. Just one that someone repainted while I was out. Its like a citywide version of while you were out. Hah!
It still makes me miss people. And times. Makes me wish the gray house would burn down. I still get the shivers crossing 14th street and my stomach clenches up tightly.
I wanna take my shoes off and walk in the grass. I wanna walk around the block barefoot in my pajamas. I wanna buy a soda on the corner and sit
on the wall over the waterfall and let the mist kick up at me.
I wanna walk down to SA at 4am with lexington and talk about the universe and why corn in nebraska is purple. I wanna walk around at a /free/ beach on a whim in my pants.
I wanna lay on the sandbar and fish in the middle of town...
I wanna see him smile, half cocked and tell me 'everythings gonna be okay'.
...I wanna go back to nevada quite suddenly.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I'm pretty sure that carrot top just walked past diem and I as we were leaving the luxor. Who else would walk around all built and a gaint red jew fro?
Diem just wrote a nasty note to some asshole who parked in a walkway. What possesses people to be so damn stupid and inconsiderate to their fellow human beings? Ugh.
I love that he gets so impassioned over stuff like that.
"Learn how to park moron! This is a walkway, not a parking spot."
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
No, not my birthday, but rather my sister's boyfriend's birthday. And not even so much his birthday as much as the trials of making his cake. This is a story of love. A story of cake batter, betrayal, multi-colored grief, frosting painted bodies and overall late-night frivolity.

It was some time later and after carefully making the cakes with only minimal batter fights, sleep deprived rude gestures and 'yo mama' jokes (which added a hint of humor since we have the same 'mama', har har) Whitney and I ended up with something that almost resembled a cake, settling the wonderful teal layer on top of the pink with minimal tearing.

Just look at her excitement! And all those horrible frosting colors I mixed up! You know what's happening next.

Something that looks a little bit like an expressionists worst nightmare. But oh no, we weren't done yet. Like Billy Mays (rest his soul), we were going to throw in some bonus work. Booyah.

I realize, it's hard to read, but it says 'Bad Ass'. Truly Poignant, I feel. Not to mention it was Jake's catch phrase. Everything was 'bad ass'.
Over time at work? That's Bad Ass.
Found a Prize in a cereal box? That's Bad Ass.
Your dog took a poo and it looked like Abraham Lincoln? That's Bad Ass.
BUT WAIT! That's not all!

Plastic palm tree.
That's been sitting in our cupboard for at least ten years.
In Minnesota.
And take special note of the frosting smiley face that she drew on my table.
I know, it's a beautiful thing, isn't it? Of course, after the fact, we realized that we didn't have any birthday candles. So Diem rolled up bits of paper and lit them on fire.

But hey, the cake was good.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Diem's theory on lake terminology:
Well you see, if the front is the shore, you have to think in terms that its a circle (roughly).
So if the front surrounds, that means that the middle is midlake, and the back is the middle ring between the front and back. Now before you say, no, no, that isn't right, it is.
Because if the middle is the middle, then circularly, the back must be behind the middle and there is an overlap of the lake. Observe.
[FrontA {BackB |MiddleAB ]BackA }FrontB
Abel: Any other lake terminology you'd like to spit out?
Diem: ...Port. Starboard. ...cheese. Wine.
Abel: Cheese and wine?
Diem: Yeah. You know. To go with the port.
Abel: ...
Diem: ...
Abel: ...
Diem: ...what?
Amazing beach day, other than the sandstorm. I have pictures and stories and taunting to do later.
It just seems so contrary to the laws of nature. Desert, desert, desert, LAKE!! Then again, lake mead /is/ a man made lake. Its a perversion against nature!!!
Also, I am in lust with a girl who was there. She was so very beautiful. Not even in a suit, but she also exuded this aura that made me extremely attracted to her. Maybe not lust,
Remind me to tell you guys about diems theory on in the lake front is the shoreline, just where the middle and back are. I'll make illustrations as well. Blew my freakin' mind, man.
I would just like to express my severe dislike over the fact that my once fantastic, denim colored swimsuit is now pink.
I am not a 'pink' kind of girl.
Remember to rinse and wash your bathing suits, folks. Chlorine is a bitch.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I have decided that I'm going to be a webcam girl.
Okay, I'm joking, you caught me. But /STILL/, you have to admit there is something just strange about that whole underbelly world.
I remember being a kid and watching "Girl 6" and being completely, ridiculously intrigued. What makes it so taboo? Maybe it's because it is a taboo that makes me look at it twice. People like to pretend it doesn't exist. That human sexuality doesn't exist. Yes, with people getting so wound up about sexuality and preferences and such lately, I can see a little bit of sensitivity on the matter, and yes, what happens in the bedroom is a private ordeal but what is it about selling sex makes us so uncomfortable?
Maybe that's what intrigues me about it. just people's reactions. And I find, as I get older, things that seemed so outrageous and embarrassing and weird and taboo...really don't seem to be that big of a deal anymore.
I digress a bit.
Phone sex isn't anything new. No more than strip clubs, naughty picture shows and burlesque. But the evolution is amazing. And it's something that is always here, will always be here and conforms to the years and the trends. We've seen the evolution of sex and technology, and I'm not just talking about vibrators, here. Entire websites based off of porn. Movies, live web shows, pictures, you name the fetish they have it. I once found a website that told a person how to have sex with a bottle-nosed dolphin. In fact... *pause* Here it is.
No, I don't remember how I found it, but it was maybe six years ago now. The site was made in 1996. It's wild. And that fucker better thank me for the hits he's about to receive. Yes, thank you for scarring me as a 'child'. Feel my love.
Not that dolphin sex or zoophilia is anything new that's suddenly come up with the technology era. Though I am saying that you can find websites out there for anything. Technology has liberated the sex lives of so many people (Except the amish of course. SUCKS TO BE YOU!). It's astounding to think of what's developed thanks to technology.
It makes me think about all those kinks that maybe never would have been invented if someone didn't burn themselves out looking at eastern asian young pre-op male to female transgendered folks shitting on the faces of old goats while masturbating and ejaculating onto the chests of some scottish middle-aged pregnant woman.
I mean. Where do you go from there?
Futhermore, now with our phones basically becoming tiny, cancer causing computers we stick up to our heads, we have sex lines that are through text only.
Yes, sex text.
I know this because I applied for such a job. And on my application, I literally wrote "This is mostly because of morbid curiosity. Mostly. The other parts would be because I am literate, I have free text messages, am up during prime masturbatory hours and I know enough sex lingo and have read enough Anne Rice erotica that I could make Ron Jeremy blush."
Yeah, I don't expect them to call me, either. But I'll let you know how that goes.
Technology is an amazing thing when linked with our primal needs. Especially primal needs we've learned to be ashamed of.
And so, with the sex industry in mind, here are some adult sites. Perv.
Adam & Eve, Cyber Nooky, Sex Stories Post, Literotica, A Sex Stories (Which still bothers me as a name considering the singular and plural), Eden Fantasys.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ok, you'll have to bear with me since I'm not quite the linguistic expert as my other half. If you haven't figured it out... I'm Diem. I'm the one with the whole automotive, hands on, getting dirty, lets build stuff kinda mentality.
I first started out looking for things to save gas in my car. I found out what some people are doing to try to save gas. But ripping out my seats, bashing off my side mirrors and putting cardboard in the grill to lighten the weight of the car and increase the aerodynamics were things I wasn't really willing to do, especially since I like having a place for people to sit in my car, as well as seeing behind me and not blowing up my engine by cutting off it's air supply. I wanted something different.
I actually stumbled across my next project. (pause for dramatic effect) Flux capacitor!!! Well, not really. It's a hydrogen cell made from a mason jar. Suprisingly, not incredibly difficult to make and install. Some of the parts, i.e. the wire, can be hard to find, but not impossible. With a little help from my dad and his tools that I didn't have. I successfully built and installed my first hydrogen cell. It does work, it still does. At first, I boosted my gas mileage quite a bit, but then the stupid computer decided to adjust for it. There are ways to compensate and actually manually adjust the amount of gas that goes into the engine, but that seemed a bit too complicated for me. But I'm not going to complain about my extra 6-8 mpg.
Lately, I've been all interested in the concept of electric cars and I REALLY want to find some shell of a car and build an electric car. Not just for the reason of it being cheaper and easier to maintain (less moving parts and grease), not just for the reason that it's more eco-friendly (zero emissions), but because I think it would be awesome to have a car that I've basically built and something different from everything else on the road.
I've been doing research on it, how to do it, what it would cost, what's involved, the batteries, recharging, all that fun stuff. I've also found, that people are doing it. There's places all over that will help you do it. And, what the price is, to go from gas to electric. I'm still doing my research and for now, there's nothing I can do but keeping my eyes on my goal.
I came across this listing of websites that actually shows other websites that do electric conversions. There's a few of them that offer classes on how to convert and some that just convert it for you. Average cost is about $5,000. Now if you can find a cheapo car from a junkyard, drop the five grand into the shell, you wouldn't have to worry about oil changes or transmission fluid. $40 oil changes every 3 months and a radiator flush every year or two, $30 in gas every couple of weeks vs. the $5000 one time purchase converstion, the low cost electricity from charging at night, and the replacement batteries every couple years (still looking for cost on that).
I know that not every vehicle out there can become and electric, but we can start on a few, spread the word, that sorta thing. We're still gonna need the big rigs (which /can/ use the hyrdogen cells) using the diesel and I'm sure a lot of people are going to want to keep they're fossil fuel cars, it's human nature to avoid change.
But yes, I've chattered for long enough. I want an electric car because I think it would be neat. I already have a hydrogen cell to help with my gas mileage. I currently just have maintenence projects on our car and our friends' cars. Joy of joys :)
Tags: auto, car, electric, electric car, EV, gas mileage, hydrogen cell, save gas, vehicle
Because 1200 characters is just too short a space since I'm a long winded hussy. Allow me to paint you a picture, hm?
Not just a fancy way of remembering Deoxyribonucleic acid, DnA -- or D&A -- is a troublesome duo of nomadic tribesmen who have now accidentally stumbled into the southwest area.
Originating from the frozen peaks of the Minnesotan tundra, they themselves tend to embody the erratic temperature, climate and seasonal flow of their home. Roughly predictable, but still rather drastically differing in the detailing.Diem: Also known as "Dieminating Juan", the jovial, energetic, compassionate, even-keeled young man is listed as the fourteenth wonder of the world. Just edged out of the thirteenth slot by his own curious ability to cope with the somewhat mercurial temper of his counterpart. With an intense favoring for anything edible, he has a tendency to obsess over things that currently spark his interest. Ranging from Lady Gaga's newest music video to how to build your own hydrogen cell out of a mason jar and install it in your car. His newest high hope? To build an electric/solar car.
Abel: This little spritely creature is a little bit more of a bang for your buck than it may seem at first. Curious, mercurial, and jovial, she can go from cynical to enlightened in precisely 3.7 seconds without warning. Dabbling in any number of things from art to crocheting to how to kick your ass, she is a collaboration of contradictions. And likes it that way. Likely the more vocal, quick tempered, vengeful and protective of the two, as with all Scorpios, handle with care.
She is also the more longwinded of the two and likely while she is often inspired by the Diem, will most likely be the more continually vocal one on this silly little bit of blog.
Your hosts.
(Deity of your choosing) help us all.
My mother once told me that misery breeds creativity.
Well, looking back in history, high quantities of hallucinogenics; infatuation with whores; infatuation with children in a manner that makes Mr. Rodgers look creepier than usual; infatuation with your brother's wife, your brother's mother, anyone else possibly related to you or your any other sibling; addiction to alcohol or opiates; just being bored; dead people; living people we love; living people we hate; dead people we wish were alive so we could hate them more productively; buzzing off of caffeine; schizophrenia; divine intervention and any number of other things.
Which one of those do you think inspires me to draw up ridiculous little stick figures? Hrmmm...
Oh well, regardless, here's another delicious little tidbit from the Hoover family trip earlier this spring. Fancy that that Logan was over visiting the pops at the same time.Rather typical exchange between the three tweens. Love Michaela's wavy hair but /damn/ are curves like that a pain in the ass to ink up sometimes without looking jagged and like she stuck her damn finger in an electrical socket. *snickers* Que sera, sera. Turned out none too shabby.
Five AM. I must be lonely.
Yeah, that's not how the song goes, so sue me. *grins*
Night, folks.
Tags: 2k9, stick figures
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
*ahem, very professional manner*
In the spirit of holidays after Saints, I have taken it upon myself to tell you of another, lesser known Saint.
Saint Christopher Walken.
Yes...I am serious.
Now, the history behind this Saints story is quite a tale and has been verified by all of the highest christian scholars.
The exact date is under debate, some say sometime around 13th century while others date it back as far as 48.2 AD, there was a great man known as "Khristoffer Waulkenin". A devout believer in Jesus Christ, out lord and savior. *
Though his belief was strong, he became preoccupied with the eternal question of Jesus' exact birth date, which as we've seen has been under a certain amount of speculation. There are some that claim some ridiculously poppycock tale about pagans and trees and something called a "Solstice", which we all know is ridiculous because Pagans, much like the laughable concept of a round earth, is completely myth.
The biggest piece of information these unbelievers hold to is the passage in the birth of Our Lord that includes shepherds being in the fields, which only happens in the spring to summer, not winter.
Saint Khristoffer studied the facts and took great lengths to prove that these shepherds were not 'in the field' but instead searching for their flock of...not sheep, but cows, which were known to roam the country side of Jerusalem wild and free as locusts. **
Now, Khristoffer in his studies and searches went to Jerusalem to observe the cows and to become closer to his subject matter. While there, he Discovered the crypt of Rufus, the 13th apostle of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Which was oddly enough filled with Bently Rims, approximately 40oz bottles of mead and something they categorized as "Massive Bling Bling".
But along with these findings, inside the coffin with the remains was a single Cow Bell.
Mysterious as it was, upon looking further in the crypt he found old scrolls that carbon dated back to the same time as the Dead Sea Scrolls, but written in a strange kind of 'urbanised' version of Aramaic.
Once translated, these scrolls clarified the ongoing debate and told of the infamous Cow Bell of Jesus Christ.
It seems that the lost cows were simply an intervention by the Lord God to have the Shepherds stray. Being that the cow's natural mating time is in the dead of winter, the shepherds gave chase, hoping to hear the bells that they had tied to the cows.
The herd of cows, a cow being a true and noble creature, they found their way toward the holy devine light of the newborn Christ Baby. Upon seeing this odd creature, Baby Jesus reached up with a stick found in the manger and began to hit the bell hanging around the cow's neck. The Shephards soon heard the ruckus and stumbled upon the small gathering at the manger and beheld the Christ Child hitting the cow bell.
The symbolism of the baby in a golden colored diaper comes from the fact that when they came upon the Babe, he had wet himself and thus, the rags he was wrapped in were stained a rather bright golden yellow. ***
Upon discovering all of this, Saint Khristoffer took the evidence and the bell to the masses, hitting the cow bell with a stick and calling out "Yay, for I come onto thee bearing the cow bell. Being a God Fearing Man, I must haveth the more of the Divine sound of the Cow Bell! More! More Cow Bell, Yay sayeth onto the Lord!"
Many discounted him as insane, and was immediately martyred by farmers who took the bells from their cows and bludgeoned him to death with them. Though after hearing tales of Saint Khristoffer and the Divine Cow Bell and the nobility of the Cow and his part in the Baby Christ's birth, many Hindus began to worship the noble creature as a messenger of God, which it remains to this day.
Through years and years of English Corruption, the Name Saint Khristoffer Waulkenin was changed to the more acceptable and generally easier to say "Christopher Walken". Some say he was granted a second life, a rising much like Christ from the Lord himself for his astonishing uncoveries. Though this is but a theory, a myth, much like Big Foot or the Lock Ness Monster.
Your Daily history lesson, my dear.
*Though we all know while Jesus Saves, Abel Spends
**Something Beautiful to behold and is still a great attraction to tourists who go to visit Jerusalem, the wild roaming cows of the plains.
***Few know of this but Jesus' First Miracle was turning Urine to gold, thus his diaper actually -was- gold and were given to the shepherds, the kings and any others who stopped by as parting gifts, as well as kept his family well off for many years.
For those of you who are just going "What the fuck?" ... You obviously haven't seen enough SNL Skits.