Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Because 1200 characters is just too short a space since I'm a long winded hussy. Allow me to paint you a picture, hm?
Not just a fancy way of remembering Deoxyribonucleic acid, DnA -- or D&A -- is a troublesome duo of nomadic tribesmen who have now accidentally stumbled into the southwest area.
Originating from the frozen peaks of the Minnesotan tundra, they themselves tend to embody the erratic temperature, climate and seasonal flow of their home. Roughly predictable, but still rather drastically differing in the detailing.Diem: Also known as "Dieminating Juan", the jovial, energetic, compassionate, even-keeled young man is listed as the fourteenth wonder of the world. Just edged out of the thirteenth slot by his own curious ability to cope with the somewhat mercurial temper of his counterpart. With an intense favoring for anything edible, he has a tendency to obsess over things that currently spark his interest. Ranging from Lady Gaga's newest music video to how to build your own hydrogen cell out of a mason jar and install it in your car. His newest high hope? To build an electric/solar car.
Abel: This little spritely creature is a little bit more of a bang for your buck than it may seem at first. Curious, mercurial, and jovial, she can go from cynical to enlightened in precisely 3.7 seconds without warning. Dabbling in any number of things from art to crocheting to how to kick your ass, she is a collaboration of contradictions. And likes it that way. Likely the more vocal, quick tempered, vengeful and protective of the two, as with all Scorpios, handle with care.
She is also the more longwinded of the two and likely while she is often inspired by the Diem, will most likely be the more continually vocal one on this silly little bit of blog.
Your hosts.
(Deity of your choosing) help us all.