Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I had a dream that someone sent a bomb to gather, & di defused it, but when it didn't blow, these weird asian biker guys in white came in & killed everyone, but they missed Arwyn and I.
We followed them into this square cul-de-sac down an alley with five doors in it. We snuck over to a door to see if we could peek in, & it swung open, & all these ninjas in blue robes came out. We told them what happened, and they rallied two of the other apparent 'clans' in the square (red and green) to bust in on a fourth door and kick ass.
Well...turned out it was the wrong door (black), and the ninjas in white came out the fifth & flanked our buddies & started killing them.
Some really old dude from the red door came out & talked to us, & ressurected some of our buddies, then died.
Then a dude in white made a ton of zombies out of the others, so we ran around slicing and dicing zombie ninjas with huge swords.