Friday, September 23, 2011
It was a work day at the house, and G.S. Was making a quilt and putting the interfacing on the fabric while Diem and I were trying to refit the wine fridge into the wall.
G.S.: mmmm efficiency. Finding the most efficient way to put the interfacing on is great. Take it! Take it and like it.
Diem & Abel stop and stare.
G.S.: yes, efficiency makes me hot.
Abel: that's good to know. If you ever get a boyfriend, I can give him tips. He has to be a German guy, though. Efficiency and all.
G.S.: we already know I like the big, blonde, beefy guys. This could work! Which is why we're going to Oktoberfest! Big, beefy, blonde, efficient Germen men. Mmmm. Plus! Potatos!!
Abel & Diem crack up.
Abel: big, beefy, blonde men, plus potatos. That's one hell of a combination.