Saturday, January 2, 2010
After weeks and weeks of Diem going over to help Bear with his Xmas light project, and enjoying his gift to all of Vegas, the lights are coming down. *SIGH*
Ah well. It's a wonderful thing to see. I took Brian, Di and Andie all to see the lights on new years eve. It was actually kind of funny because we drove up and I realized...the lights aren't on. And I don't have Bear or Cyndee's numbers!
I texted Diem (At work) and he was going to call Bear, when this girl walks outside. ACK! I run out of the van (Because strange people sitting outside a van doesn't look odd) and say hi! You...must be Melissa?
Yes! Bear and Cyndee's daughter! The one who was all jealous of our mad lefse skills.
Well eventually we all got out of the car, Cyndee came out and said hi, gave me her number, and turned on the lights. We also got to see the inside village (which I'd seen before, but it's seriously the most impressive winter village I've ever seen and I knew the others would get a kick out of it).
Isn't that amazing? The pictures really don't do it justice, the video is so much better because you can see the movement and hear the music.
It just astounds me when someone is so taken by the spirit of any holiday to do things like that. In honesty, it reminds me of my Mama and her halloween decorations and the joy and happiness and fun that it always brings about.