Monday, June 1, 2009

Diem's theory on lake terminology:

Well you see, if the front is the shore, you have to think in terms that its a circle (roughly).

So if the front surrounds, that means that the middle is midlake, and the back is the middle ring between the front and back. Now before you say, no, no, that isn't right, it is.

Because if the middle is the middle, then circularly, the back must be behind the middle and there is an overlap of the lake. Observe.

[FrontA {BackB |MiddleAB ]BackA }FrontB

Abel: Any other lake terminology you'd like to spit out?
Diem: ...Port. Starboard. ...cheese. Wine.
Abel: Cheese and wine?
Diem: Yeah. You know. To go with the port.
Abel: ...
Diem: ...
Abel: ...
Diem: ...what?


Amazing beach day, other than the sandstorm. I have pictures and stories and taunting to do later.

It just seems so contrary to the laws of nature. Desert, desert, desert, LAKE!! Then again, lake mead /is/ a man made lake. Its a perversion against nature!!!

Also, I am in lust with a girl who was there. She was so very beautiful. Not even in a suit, but she also exuded this aura that made me extremely attracted to her. Maybe not lust,

Remind me to tell you guys about diems theory on in the lake front is the shoreline, just where the middle and back are. I'll make illustrations as well. Blew my freakin' mind, man.


I would just like to express my severe dislike over the fact that my once fantastic, denim colored swimsuit is now pink.

I am not a 'pink' kind of girl.

Remember to rinse and wash your bathing suits, folks. Chlorine is a bitch.
