Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gather Diem!

Talking about Gather through Montana.

Diem: Yeah I figure I'll give you Sheila during gather, if you need to go anywhere or pick anyone up.
Abel *quirk*
Diem: ?? You know. Because she's smaller.
Abel: that's awfull generous since, you know, I don't drive Persephone anyway, and always use Sheila, anyway.
Diem *embarrassed grin* yeah okay well, you know...
Abel: you always use Persephone for work anywa-- *gasp!!!*
Diem: ???
Abel: you're /unemployed/ for /Gather/!!!
Diem: ... Fuck.
Abel: you get to spend /all/ your time with us!
Diem: ...Damnit.
Abel: you did that /just/ for /us/ didn't you?
Diem: ...Shit.
Abel: awwwwwwww!!! Diem LOVES US!!! I must immediately tell /everyone/!
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