Tuesday, November 22, 2011

White People Problems

After a satisfying meal of sweet and sour chicken at a local thai place, Toccoto and I were talking about neat cultural traditions and clothing.

Toccoto: my sister is always lamenting how cool saris are and how she can't wear one because she's white.

Abel: Perry's white.

Toccoto: yeah but she married an indian guy.

Abel: reminds me of that episode of scrubs where Elliot says 'gosh! I wish I was ethnic!!'

Toccoto: aw c'mon we have cool ethnic stuff.

Abel: like what?

Toccoto: well, we used to. Like christmas! But then everyone else took it from us and made it theirs too! They can have christmas but I can't have a quincenera because I'm not a 15 year old mexican girl!

Abel blink blink blink.

Toccoto: don't even get me started on barmitzvas...


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